
Everything I Ever Needed
to Know About God
I learned in Romans 8


(re)connecting to the
simplicity and enormity
of God's love

Ever feel like you’ve drifted away from God?
Want to (re) connect with God, but don’t know where to start?
Ever feel like all of this God stuff is too confusing and complicated?

You have come to the right place. Some people have a favorite verse in the Bible, Steve has a favorite chapter. He would say, “Everything I ever needed to know about God I learned in Romans 8.” Romans 8 is a much-loved chapter in the Bible where we can see who God is and how to (re)connect with him, no matter where you are now. Simple and Enormous Love was written to show good people (like you) how to wade through the confusing and complicated things we have heard and see the raw truth about God; his love is simple, yet enormous.

  • His love is enormous: he is (and always has been) for you, he forgives you, he adopts you into his family,  your future can be way better than your past, the Holy Spirit is praying for you, and God is working out good things for you.
  • His love is simple: Nothing can separate you from that love. Ever.

While unpacking this life-changing chapter of Romans you will laugh, you will question, and you connect to God in a new and deeper way. You will see why this one Bible chapter keeps calling us to come back, get grounded, and be enveloped by God’s radically simple and enormous love.