I think getting started has been the hardest thing. Unless of course you are starting tomorrow. I am starting a diet tomorrow. I will fix the sprinkler tomorrow and I will quit procrastinating tomorrow. See that is easy, but actually starting something you have never done before is difficult.
I know that some things are easy to start. It seems easy to start my car, just turn the key. It is easy to turn on the TV, just hit the power button on your remote control. It is simple to do a lot of things:
- Flush the toilet
- Smile in the grocery store
- Insult someone on Facebook
- Think about tomorrow
- Think about the things you are going to procrastinate about
- Tell a mother how cute her baby is
- Smell the flowers
- Sleep in front of the TV
- Encourage someone
However, some things are hard. It is hard to say goodbye to a loved one; it takes time, pain, tears and often… well, time. It is hard to determine yourself and train for a marathon. It is tough to discipline your kids day in and day out. It is hard to communicate with a spouse, a parent, and an irrational boss. It is rough to manage money issues when times are lean for your family.
Is it hard to start a blog? Well, not compared to the things I mentioned above. But, what to do write about for the first one??? The first has to be awesome, I tell myself. The first one has to be dynamic, even if I only have 3 readers. The firsts are so memorable. After all, who does not remember their first kiss, seeing their child for the first time; I wept. Do you remember your first car? Mine was a 1963 Ford Falcon wagon that was red in most spots and had a hand-cranked back window. Do you remember your first big purchase that you had saved up for?
The truth is, I think I have started this blog a bazillion times, but have never published it because they all sucked. You can judge this one any way you like, but trust me on those previous attempts. Why is today different? Mostly, you can’t drive a parked car! Any movement can lead to momentum; I think that is a law in physics or sales or something.
If I don’t start now, when? If I don’t put myself out there, why not? Should fear, insecurity and laziness win yet another day? Not today.
I have previously written articles and even a book, but never a blog. Until now. Today I start my blogging adventure. Today I put to the test the wisdom of my friend Salina who says: “What other people think of you is none of your business!”
So, let me introduce myself: I am a husband; I have been married to Susie for 32 years (in a row). I am part of a large family; seven of us kids. I am a dad; I have two boys that are both adopted and better looking than anything we could have produced. I am a simple man who looks at life in a certain way that should include faith, hope and humor in every single day. I have taught high school Social Studies; shout out to Arlington High School, home of the Lions. I have been a licensed psychotherapist for over 20 years; I have worked in two children’s mental health clinics, Kaiser Psychiatry and had a private practice. I have been a teaching pastor at a church of about 2500 awesome people. I have supervised a mental health clinic in a maximum security prison.
I have done many other things, traveled to great places and know some of most wonderful people on the planet. I have seen a lot, laughed a lot, prayed a lot, eaten a lot, and found hope, faith, and humor along every step of the way. I invite you to do the same. In fact, let’s do it together!
Will you please like below and leave a comment so I can know who the three readers I have really are? Thanks mom, I know you are one of them.